laundry, late nights, and laughter
I can't get into my laundry room, it's almost eleven o'clock & I'm still up AND I'm laughing. Guess who's home? That's little buddy is home from college and sitting right next to me, only because he wants his back scratched! One semester down, at NCU, and 5 to go if all goes well.
I want to thank my sister-in-love, Gail, for the challenge she gave me to keep up with the bloggers. Now I would like to challenge her to see if she can blog as many times as me! (By the way, the birthday pics turned out cute. Maybe I will email them to you if Bethany will teach me how or Gram comes Monday and of course she can do anything on the computer.Back to the'd have to see it to believe it. And about the lateness of the hour...I've usually had a good two hours by now. eyes are burning but someone's got to stay up with the kids. John's been retired since 8:30! And what we all enjoy the most is Jonathan's sense of humor, carefree spirit, and all his friends that will frequent our home during his Christmas break.
Well, before I go to bed I think I throw the first load of college attire in the Maytag! Thanks for tuning into my first of MANY blogs.